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Dahlia Profile - Keith Hammett Beeline II Flowers

Hello friends,

Today's dahlia profile is for the dahlias grown from Keith Hammett's Beeline II dahila seed mix.

From his website: "This series is different as it is based on 'Dark Destiny', a cultivar resulting from a cross between a dwarf hybrid garden dahlia and Dahlia sherffii, a species not previously used in Dahlia breeding...The colours are more restrained and much of their beauty lies in light being transmitted through the ray florets (petals) to give a stained glass window effect. Compact self supporting plants with finely divided foliage."

I sowed 6 seeds, and all of them grew big enough to plant out in the garden, and they all flowered.

Dahlia 1:

Dahlia 2:

Dahlia 3:

Dahlia 4:

Dahlia 5:

Dahlia 6:

As you may have noticed, Dahlia 6 really is the star out of all dahlias grown from Keith Hammett's Beeline II seed mix. The inner part of the ray florets are a deep tangerine which changes ombré style into dark pinks/purples. There is also streaks of dark pink coming out from the inside of the floret all the way to the outside. It definitely has a stained glass effect, and it really stands out in the garden.

Out of all the Beeline II dahlias I grew, only dahlia 6 stands out well enough for me to want to keep the tuber in the coming years. Dahlias 2, 3, 4, and 5 are all pretty plain looking, and don't interest me. Dahlia 1 is kind of tempting, but we'll see how it performs over the rest of the summer and autumn to gauge if it will be worth keeping it.

Have a wonderful day


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